Saturday 30 August 2008

Those enterprising cloud warriors

It seems that no sooner does a technology appear than it is subverted by those who want to abuse it.

A while back I started renting a virtual server to which I was (am) going to move a website that I own. The site is currently on a small hosting account, and it's starting to need a bit more than that. Anyway, I didn't do anything for a while, and just let the virtual server gather dust. Then, the other night, I got a burst of energy and started to look at what I could port over first.

As I was doing that, I was also idly browsing through the log files in /var/log and I see an enormous messages file and an enormous secure file. And their backups were big too... This is a server that, while it's on the internet, didn't even have a domain name until the last few days, it was just a raw ip address. Why were those files so big?

It seems that someone is trying an automated dictionary attack on the server. As far as I can tell, each login attempt, via ssh, is supplying a username but no password. Each name is being tried once, and then on to the next. So it's looking for unprotected accounts rather than trying to guess passwords (I think a "dictionary attack" really refers to when they are using a dictionary to try to guess passwords, but I'll stick with it since they must be storing their list of usernames in a dictionary too.) It seems fairly primitive but it's still immensely worrying, especially since I really don't want to have to become a linux security expert.

Each attack starts about the same time every evening, and lasts about eight minutes. That's it, but in that time it's doing a couple of login attempts every second. Of course, the source ip address of each attempt is logged, so I've been busily adding them to /etc/hosts.deny whenever I see a new one. Last night was quiet, first time in a couple of weeks, apparently. Time will tell whether just adding addresses to hosts.deny will work; in the short run maybe, I rather doubt it in the long run.

So what has any of this got to do with "the cloud"? Just that the attacking ip address sometimes resolves to an Amazon AWS instance, to be exact. Either some nerveless criminal is renting out EC2 instances with the intent of using them specifically to crack whatever insecure hosts they can find or, perhaps more likely, some of the startup images that EC2 instances use — and these images are huge, containing a whole operating system, as well as whatever applications they are going to run — have been compromised.

Looking at the way Amazon run EC2, they provide a number of basic instance images, but there are a lot of others mentioned on their forums, created by "helpful" users and containing just the right applications for people to find them attractive. An obvious security hole you might think, but people must be using them, or they wouldn't exist. Maybe Amazon need to virus-scan their EC2 images before starting them up, what a horrible thought.

Update: I see that at least one other person has noticed the same thing happening too: David in Sweden. I wonder if he ever got an answer out of Amazon?

1 comment:

  1. That sounds ominous, but I wish supplied an acronym decoder like the admirable utility some of us are accustomed to using with ameol :-)
