This post, from January 2008, is looking a little bit prescient now. I do so love being right. [OK, I said set top boxes and it's actually netbooks, I'm still claiming half a point.]
Of course, this is just the tip of … well, something a lot more pointy than an iceberg … a giant harpoon perhaps, aimed fair and square at Microsoft's heart. Manufacturers are already putting versions of Linux on full-size desktop PCs whose primary operating system is Windows, so that you can use them — for email, browsing, and playing tunes — without having to "boot" them [i.e., not into Windows]. Look for Android to be made more suitable for this purpose.
In true Google style, nothing will be said. Officially, it won't be happening. In practice, some manufacturer's light-boot linux will turn out to be Android when disassembled by an intrepid hacker. If it catches on, good; if it doesn't, "we were never really interested in doing that anyway".…