
As my age-related conditions start to accumulate, I'm casting around for solutions. This page will document the most promising and/or practical ones as I find them.

Intermittent fasting

Wildly popular at the moment. Every third day sounds about right, both for life e#xtgension and weight loss

Salt vs Potassium

Salt is bad, less salt is good. Aim for 5g a day initially, 3g a day eventually. Those are hard targets, and will require you to eat lots of fruit and vegetables and avoid processed food. Cook your own meals — from scratch!

More potassium will lower your blood pressure (says the BBC, citing an article in the BMJ [BMJ 2013;346:f1378]):

The results showed that increasing potassium in the diet to 3-4g a day reduced blood pressure in adults.

This increased level of potassium intake was also linked to a 24% lower risk of stroke in those adults.

The study apparently showed that increasing levels of potassium in the diet — by eating foods such as bananas, vegetables, pulses, nuts and seeds, milk, fish and chicken. (It is also present in bread, but we are avoiding bread as it is high in salt. Or bake your own bread, and leave out the salt!)

Red meat

Bacteria in the gut break down the carnitine in red meat and convert it to cholesterol. This is in addition to the cholesterol already present there. Red meat chemical 'damages heart', say US scientists.

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