Monday 17 May 2010

Famous delusions of grandeur

Angela Merkel: "[It's] a battle of the politicians against the markets ... I am determined to win."

King Canute: "Sea, I command you to come no further! Waves, stop your rolling! Surf, stop your pounding! Do not dare touch my feet!"


  1. She was actually giving a secret signal to her friends to convert Euros into some other currency.

    How does one go about buying currency options ?

  2. There's a free Forex Trading Course at, it's pitched at a rather simplistic level and there's a lot of noise for a little signal, but it includes a link to Forex Capital Markets Ltd., where you can register for a free demo forex trading account, and which allows you to download their trading software for free.

    Should your demo account show large gains after a month, I will personally spot you £100 in real money to "invest" for me!
