Monday 3 August 2009

Kaupthing made ISK billions in insider loans, now seeks to gag reporting

This and this and particularly this may go some way to explain why the UK government used anti-terrorism laws to freeze the British assets of the Icelandic banks when they went bust, a move that was widely decried at the time.

Iceland was always a beautiful country with good, hard-working people, but now there's something rotten in the state of Iceland and it's not just a load of old cod. The Icelandic people seem extremely angry with their financial and political elites, and frankly I don't blame them.


  1. IMO it's very significant that a government regulator seems have been near the centre of the web. Regulation is probably not the solution.

  2. Hmm, you'll have difficulty selling that view at the moment I think. While I agree that regulation-by-mandarin's-fiat is precisely not the way to go, I wonder if regulation with respect to transparency would be so bad. Perhaps if banks had to publish details of loans made to shareholders, senior officers and board members...?
